Re: Adhesions

From: Tina Shelby (
Wed Jun 16 16:26:30 1999


Thanks so much for the info! I know that there are no guarantees with any surgery but I truly believe trading one surgery to remove the bowel would be much better than having multiple extensive surgeries to correct bowel obstructions and take down adhesions. The more surgeries you have the greater the risk of morbidity/mortality. Having nearly died the last time - I know you understand the great fear I have of going under the knife again.

Again - thanks so much for the information!


At 01:44 PM 6/16/99 -0500, you wrote: >The dr. in NY (Dr. Vidali, Reich's partner). He said he performed this
procedure on one of his patients and she improved dramatically. He posed that as a "possible" solution for me - no guarantees. I, too, almost died 2 surgeries ago. I was told by one surgeon that if I had another one, there would be a 50/50 chance of me getting off the table so unless I have another obstruction, I will try to avoid surgery. I still want more info. though on that colostomy. Take care!! >
>>>> Tina Shelby <> 06/10 10:21 AM >>>
>I have often wondered if all but about 10% of my small bowel was removed -
>would I be better and what the percentages would be. I am interested in
>knowing who told you that and what more did they say. I have been afraid to
>ask about it as an option because it is so radical. I have decided that if I
>have to have an open lap - I am going to want them to take most of the bowel
>out. I nearly died my last abdominal surgery and I am terrified of having
>surgery again. The next time will be because I have no other choice. Thanks
>so much for the info.
>At 04:58 PM 6/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Dear Brenda, when I read your note, I almost cried because I, too, HATE
>that darn NG tube!!!!!! I can almost do it by myself. They are in shock
>when I tell them which side to use and how to do it. As a matter of fact,
>if they put it in a little ice, it goes down much better!! I hate it though
>because it not only hurts my throat but my stomach too. It feels like it is
>going to suck out my stomach. I don't know what is worse - it or the
>blockage!!! When I am in that condition, instead of praying for pain
>relief, I pray that He will just take me home and put my out of my misery!!
>That way, I'll be in no more pain and I will be with my Mother, Grandmother,
>Grandfather and Father. I am beginning to contemplate an ostomy (I think
>that is how you spell it) you know, moving your bowels into a bag, but, I am
>terrified of this alternative. I was told by someone that this may relieve
>80% of my pain because the bulk of my pain stems from adhesions over almost
>90% or more of my i!
>>ntestines and 10% over my spine. I REALLY need some advice from someone
>who has been there. Any ideas?
>>>>> Brenda <> 05/02 11:45 PM >>>
>>It is so good to have a site to go into and know that I am not "crazy",
>>or different.
>>Every three months I too go into the hospital with a bowel obstruction.
>>They make me lay there for days hoping it resolves itself, this has been
>>going on for 3 yrs. since my last major surgery.
>>Trust me I do NOT want to have another surgery but I also do not like
>>having that NG tube put it and laying there in the hospital being so
>>sick you pray to god to get rid of your pain.
>>Lets stick together everyone, there has got to be some hope out there
>>for all of us!!!!!

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