-----Original Message----- From: IAS Admin (Tracy) <tracy.joslin@adhesions.org> To: Multiple recipients of list ADHESIONS <adhesions@mail.obgyn.net> Sent: Mon, Oct 19, 2009 8:49 pm Subject: I Can't Believe It
Sender: racostew@yahoo.com (Alta) ubject: I Can't Believe It Hi, Today I had my first appointment with my new GP. I always hate this. t's a gamble finding a doctor who believes in or treats adhesions, in y experience. I explained to her my history and went over my edications. Then I had to ask for a refill of meds. Because of a mix p with my husbands insurance we just got our insurance activated, one onth late. This meant I was close to being out of meds. To my huge urprise, she agreed. (Previously I've had GP's not wanting to fill ain meds.) She also was great about referring me out to pain anagement, physical therapy and gyno. I am still shocked. I am assing this along because there are still good doctors out there. I have a question for all of you if you mind, what meds are you on and re they helping? I am on 30 mg of time released morphine three times a ay with 4 hydrocodone a day for break through. I am not happy with the orphine, it just doesn't seem to be working. I am just trying to get ome infor for when I go see the pain management. Thanks everyone! Have a great week! lta
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