Re: Adhesions...Help?

From: bri (
Wed Sep 29 01:02:18 2010

i have had 3 adehesion surgeries. what is the answer to this pain? my dr is very understanding also.To me the pain of adhesions is very bad. I know that surgery can make it come back but what does a person do? walk around in pain?

At Sat, 28 Aug 2010, Kimberly wrote: >
>Dear Raven,
>I live in hot springs, ar and have been dealing with adhesions etc for
>almost 5 yrs. Wondering if you are still around. I could certainly use
>support. blessings, Kimberly
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: []
>>>Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 2:47 PM
>>>To: Multiple recipients of list ADHESIONS
>>>Subject: Adhesions...Help?
>>>I have been stuggling with adhesions now for almost three years. My
>>>last adhesolysis was in August 2001. They were back in full force three
>>>weeks post-op. My doctor doesn't want to do another surgery. He knows
>>>this will only make things worse. I am to the point that I cannot eat
>>>or drink without severe pain. I have lost four pounds in two weeks. My
>>>doctor is serching for any kind of help he can find for me. We are both
>>>lost as to a solution. My bowels are compromised and I am at risk for
>>>an obstruction. Any help would be appreciated. I have done extensive
>>>research on adhesions. I have also learned about a doctor in Germany
>>>and a new adhesion barrier available only in Europe. I am amazed at the
>>>number of people who suffer from ARD. Please tell me there is hope.
>>>Right now I feel like a prisoner to my pain. I live in Hot Springs,
>>>Arkansas. I have the best surgeon, he really understands. Thanks.

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