Re: prescription drug information

From: Stefanie (
Sat May 19 05:04:59 2001

At Sat, 19 May 2001, Wally wrote: >
>Hi Ho everyone,
>Just wanted to let you know that the bleeding has stopped, and my pain
>has reduced since my post on Friday :-)
>I have promised Shane that I will ring my Gyno on Monday and tell him
>all about it, he worries about me :-)
>I have been feeling so yucky since this last surgery, I thought it was
>time to look up all the drugs I have been prescribed since that time, as
>well as those I've used since my hystorectomy. Very informative and eye
>opening! Seems to me that I am heading down the path I swore never to
>follow....taking a drug to counteract the effects of another drug! I am
>swallowing 5 to 6 pills 3 or 4 times a day at the moment! Unbelievable,
>considering I was using maybe 3 no more than 3 times most days before
>this last surgery!
>The most astounding thing to me is, most of the drugs have side effects
>or warnings about kidney & liver problems etc....ok now I have a copy of
>my last ultrasound report which states "Liver appears normal in size.
>There was a pattern change from throughout the liver. It had a fine
>bright texture and there was an increased attentuation of sound through
>liver." blah blah blah the final comment is:
>"The pattern change in the liver is consistent with a diffuse liver
>disorder probably fatty infiltration."
>The doctors have said to me that this change could be related to the
>drugs I have been why have I been prescribed more? Guess
>I will have to wait to see the GI doctor before I get any real answers
>on that one!

I studied nursing and learned thatevery prescription or non prescription drug will list all possible side effects. However, you will not get all the side effects at once from a drug. I would however ask your doctor about the ultrasound results that you had and discuss whether or not you need further testing. Hope this helps!


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