Re: Having surgery Nov. 22nd

From: Christine M. Smith (
Mon Nov 15 10:48:50 1999

At Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Peggy wrote: >
>Hello everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am having
>surgery on November 22nd. This time the gyn has recommended that a
>general surgeon assist with the surgery. I saw the general surgeon last
>Thursday and he was not very optimistic . He told me in few cases like
>mine the person has pain that is caused from the bowel being agrivated
>at some time ,and that no Dr. has a handle on this problem and they do
>not know how to treat the problem .He told me that in some cases people
>get labeled with adhesions and others might be labeled with I B S or
>endometriosis(sp) But the pain never is resolved. At first he
>recommended that I have no more surgery, But as we talked further and he
>found that all my surgeries have been done laporscopically he told me
>that having the surgery won't hurt but he feels it may not help either.
>The only reason he agreed to the surgery was because the gyn is taking
>the remaining ovary and tube. He told me that at least it was something
>definative that was being done . I told him that it was a chance that I
>had to take and he told me that he understood why. The surgeon said
>that he would be happy to assist and help out as much as he could.
>Unfortunatly what he heard from me he was hearing for the first time, My
>gyn was away for the week and no one at his office knew what was going
>on. The surgeon told me that this was the first he had heard any thing
>about assisting and wondered if he would be available. I told him that
>according to his receptionist he was, that I had spoken with her earlier
>in the week ,I could tell he was not very happy with the situation at
>all.I thought that it was a very awkward position to be in. I did take
>MRI films and all operative reports and other test reports with me so at
>least he could look at those and accuaint himself a little with the
>situation. After I had the appointment I was so sick ..I had a bad
>headache and very sick to my stomach . I have been quite sick to my
>stomach for about 2-3 weeks now and thought that it was the meds I was
>taking. But I am no longer taking the klonopin or the arthrotec. The
>only meds I am taking are Methadone and a stool softener so I don't know
>what to think about the nausea . I have an appointment with the pain
>management Dr. on Wednesday and will question the nausea with him.Well
>wish me luck ! I am hoping that this will be it as far as surgery but
>the way the surgeon spoke I am doubtful that I will have success .I am
>trying to have hope but it is very diffacult at this point.I will keep
>you informed as to how things turn out.

Hi Peggy: After reading your post at first I thought I would never want anyone so pessimistic operating on me but after thinking about it, I remembered that my gyn was not very optimistic either. First it took him 3 ultrasounds, a GI consult,and 9 months to even agree to do the laparoscopy. I asked him "Do you think you will find anything.?" And he sort of snorted and said "Sure I'll find something. But whether or not that is what's causing your pain is the question. You know there aren't little signs in there saying Pain This Way with arrows." This is the attitude I went into surgery with! It was very difficult. Well, he did find something and he was like a little kid at Christmas time! Unfortunately, in my case, it was probably just a coincidence but my point is that you don't know what they are going to find. Instead of looking at this surgery as a cure to your problem, why don't you look at it as a diagnostic test that will give more information. If they don't look, they'll never know what's going on in there now. I'll be thinking of you on Nov. 22. chris s.

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