Re: Colonscopy risk and adhesions

From: Anne L (
Thu May 22 17:41:08 2003

Hi Kelly, Thanks for replying. This is all new to me! The information I found was more that you should not have a colonoscopy if you already had adhesions from "mutiple abdominal surgeries". I don't think they were inferring that colonoscopy would cause it.

I have heard that the prep is worse than the procedure, if the colonoscopy goes as planned. I guess part of my dilema with all of this, is that my prognosis with breast cancer isn't too great, (although I have "beaten" the odds twice now, in terms of 5 year survival stats) and I just don't want to have any more problems, if I can help it. I am worried that it might be riskier than usual because of all those surgeries.

I will think of you, Monday and Tuesday, sigh, and hope all goes well. Good luck, and thanks again, Anne Ps, I hope I posted this properly!

At Thu, 22 May 2003, Kelly Marlow wrote: >
>Hi Ann,
>As far as I know adhesions don't form because of a colonoscopy. I have
>had a few of these. And I am actually having another next Tuesday.
>I do know it is extremely painful when you have adhesions. This is why
>you should have your Dr. Heavily sedate you. I think they call it
>Ann for me the nasty prep and pain is worth the piece of mind. This
>time they are going in to make sure I don't have any obstruction due to
>adhesions, any endometriosis, and to make sure my blood supply is still
>healthy and strong.
>I truly wish you luck! Just think of me Monday night when I start the
>bowel Prep!!
>Kelly Marlow:)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf
>Of Anne L
>Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 4:21 PM
>To: Multiple recipients of list ADHESIONS
>Subject: Colonscopy risk and adhesions
>I am brand new to this board as of today.
>I am 43 and was told by my surgeon that I should have a diagnostic
>colonoscopy. I have a family history, but have no symptoms. I was
>researching this procedure yesterday, and kept reading that it was NOT a
>good idea for people with adhesions.
>I don't know if I have them or not; I don't think I have any symptoms,
>but I don't know what the symptoms are, and in fact, hadn't heard the
>term until yesterday.
>However, I have had 7 abdominal surgeries, 4 c sections, open incision
>gallbladder, tram flap breast reconstruction, (I've had 3 bouts with
>breast cancer), and an open incision appendectomy, last March 22. It
>was necrotic, and some colon was also removed.
>I guess my question is, am I a good candidate for this, given all my
>abdominal surgery? And what are the risks that are specific to adhesions
>and colonoscopy? Is is only risky to perform this if the adhesions are
>in the colon? I have a bad feeling about doing this, and really don't
>want to have any complications especially since I feel that it is not
>100% necessary. On the other hand, if it is safe to do, and I'm not at
>any extra risk because of the abdominal surgeries, then maybe I should
>just toughen up and do it. I also wonder if it is too soon after my
>Any thoughts?
>Best to all of you,


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