Re: Digestive Problems, Headaches & Leg Pain

From: Caryn (
Fri May 16 07:45:22 2003

Hi -- I just found this board and am so happy. I have had 2 myos and 1 c/s in the past 7 years. During my last myo, my ob/gyn told me I have lots of adhesions. Anyhow, you mentioned you legs hurt. Lately mine have been hurting and I also woke up with a charlie horse the other day. I haven't had one since before my pelvic tumor was removed last August.

When I went in for surgery last year, my ob/gyn told me that there may be a chance of a hysterectomy and I had to sign the consent form. Well, when he did the surgery he didn't have to remove it. So I was happy. So, in my case, he didn't just take it.

I feel my adhesions in my bladder area and it hurts first thing in the morning and when I urinate for the first time in the morning. I also have pain in my belly area and other areas around there. Under my belly area, it looks like I am about 2 mos pregnant. I'm very thin too to begin iwht. Does anyone else have that problem.

Well I'm glad I found this board and wish you all luck. I look forward to participating here. cr

At Thu, 15 May 2003, Tammy wrote:

>Hi again, I was wonder what, if any digestive problems anyone is having
>that are associated with or related to abdominal adhesions. I seem to
>have one thing after another happening to me.
>Also, I have recently gone through a really bad bout with a horrendious
>headaches that caused vomiting. It lasted about 3 weeks, felt like a
>spinal headache except no relief could be found and caused me to be
>hospitalized. I did have my head thoughouly examined and there was
>nothing. They put me in a head traction to open and relax the
>indentations in the back of my head where it joins my neck. well those
>are subsiding now, but I am just wondering what's next?
>OK, one more.....LEGS....does anyone feel pain in their legs from the
>adhesions affecting the nerves and blood vessels in the pelvic where the
>legs join in? I have pain that sits in my pelvic and runs down into the
>crook of my legs, it then spreads down my inner thigh towards my knee.
>It use to do this mostly in my right leg now it has begun to do the same
>thing in the left one. I am scared that even if they can clean up the
>scar tissue, will they be able to repair the damage in my legs?
>Well those are my thoughts for now, I am going to go look at and respond
>to some of the other messages on the board.
>Hoping the Best for All,
>God Bless,
>Tammy Lynn

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