Adhesion-sufferers DO NOT have cancer - unless they've been diagnosed as having cancer!!

From: Helen Dynda (
Wed Jan 15 10:24:32 2003

Dear Julie, Just because you have adhesions does not mean you have cancer!!

Dr. Wiseman mention four ways that could cause adhesions to spread ("grow" is not the same as "spread"):

1.) Continued infection...There is no doubt that continued infections can cause something like adhesions to spread (spread is NOT the same as "grow")

2.) Endometriosis.....When a woman is a victim of endometriosis, the endometrial implants within her abdominopelvic cavity will bleed at the same time as her monthly period. Since this blood cannot exit her abdominopelvic cavity, this blood is a known cause of adhesions!!

3.) More surgery...Adhesions ARE caused by surgery; because adhesions result as the body attempts to heal and protect itself. This is a natural response by the human body.

Adhesions will form any time there is internal bleeding (from endometriosis, a ruptured cyst, an injury or surgery). Any blood (including minute clots left within the abdominopelvic cavity) -- NOT meticulously cleaned up by the surgeon at the conclusion of the surgical procedure -- will cause adhesions to form. Commonly, adhesions result from the most routine activities of surgery including cutting, coagulation and suturing. Foreign materials such as sutures, lint from sponges or powder from surgical gloves can cause an inflammatory response that can result in adhesions. Finally, adhesions can form from anything that causes an inflammatory response, such as endometriosis, radiation therapy, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease and infection. Adhesions can also result from a seat-belt injury!!

4.) Cancer...There are diagnostic tests for cancer!!! However, THERE IS ONLY ONE diagnostic test for adhesions: a diagnostic laparoscopy!! So IT IS NOT possible that we all have cancer. THERE IS NO REASON for an adhesion-sufferer TO FEAR CANCER!!

Hope my explanation is reassuring.

Helen D.

~ ~ ~ ~

Re: ADHESIONS DO NOT GROW OR SPREAD UNLESS......From: Wed Jan 15 06:47:03 2003

what scared me is when u said cancer can make them grow so it's possible we all have cancer then i don't understand,julie in li . ~ ~ ~ ~


From: Helen Dynda ( Sun Jan 12 22:57:13 2003

Dr. Wiseman's reply to "Do adhesions keep growing or spreading?:

"Adhesions probably do not continue to grow (i.e. to spread). Once they have formed, there should be no reason for them to spread, unless there is further insult to the area (e.g. continued infection, endometriosis, more surgery, cancer, etc.)

" They will probably "harden", or more correctly " toughen "; because what started out as flimsy adhesions may progress to more fibrous "gristle" adhesions. Why some people may take years to show problems due to adhesions is unknown."


David Wiseman Ph.D., M.R.Pharm.S.

Founder, International Adhesions Society (IAS)

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