Re: Just started duragesic and find I can't drive! Coping Skills?

From: Sally Grigg (
Wed Jan 1 15:20:06 2003

At Mon, 30 Dec 2002, Mary Lou wrote: >
>Hi folks,
>I tried the duragesic patch, neurotin, and one other med like neurotin,
>but all of them made me so dizzy I couldn;t drive or even think
>straight. I would like to hear from some of you about your day. Here
>is a typical day for me: wake up after eight hours of good sleep induced
>by amytriptelene and clonipin. Feel no pain n the adhesion area. I
>stand up to walk to the bathroom, within one minute the tearing,
>pulling, stinging pain is 9 on a scale of 10. I forced byself into the
>kitchen to eat breakfast, and try to continue to move around for an hour
>or so. By that time, I can;t stand the pain, and I am still groggy from
>the amytriptelene, and I go back to bed. Then I get up again after an
>hour or so and read the want ads and depressingly acknowledge that there
>is no job I can do (I am a nurse) because of the pain. I worked until
>Jun 1, over the summer the area of adhesions doubled so that it now
>extends totally around by torso. I apreciate all the good information
>people have posted lately about the scientific basis of our agony. For
>me, gravity also has a lot to do with it--when I lie flat on one side
>and don;t move at all, after 15 minutes or so, the pain stops. But I
>can;t live my life lying perfectly still! I don;t know what to do. The
>pain clinic told me that there is no med that would effective reduce the
>pain while still allowing me to think, drive, and work. I am 58 and
>pray for a quick death from something else. I am also on celexa. Any
>mary lou

Dear Mary Lou, I know what you mean. My life used to be getting up and
talking to Inn guests and going back to bed and laying perfectly flat
for most of the day. I ran my business with radios, intercoms and the
phone. Not ideal, but what was I supposed to do? Like you I was thinking
maybe a painless death somehow. But I never could do it, it would hurt
so many people. My operation in Germany saved my life. Dr. Kruschinski
does not use carbon dioxide, he knows how to take away adhesions without
cutting and mutilating your organs. I used to have an operation every
year, and could feel those nasty things back within the week. I don't
know if you can raise the money for Germany. Spray Gel was the right
barrier for me. Hopefully it will be available in this country soon.
So if you can't go to Germany, maybe the doc's here will start using
spray gel soon, so there is hope. Sometimes when you are in agony, you
can forget how great life can be. Please remember that life is precious
and its the only one you have even if its horrible. I'm sorry to preach
and I wouldn't even think of it except I've been there. So, dear, good
luck, Happy New Year, and keep on having hope. There is hope now that we
all can be free of those awful adhesions. Love, Sally

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