Re: Questions about upcoming upper G.I. series/Small bowel follow-through.

From: kim morrisey (
Mon Nov 11 12:38:22 2002


I just had the small bowel series last week, without the upper GI included. The entire test took about 1 hour for depends on how fast the barium works through your system. The radiologist did take one picture before any barium was consumed. I am not sure why they do this, but I do remember with any contrast or barium type tests, they usually do take a picture before hand. For example, I had a hysterosalpingogram (tubal dye study) a few months ago and they did a single film of the pelvis before the test. As for the barium small bowel series, I found that drinking a great deal of water after the test is the key to help pass the barium. It did help me. I would suggest that you call your GI doctor who ordered the test and explain to him that you haven't really had a good bowel movement and ask him if you should possibly take something today to help you with a bowel movement before the test. This may not be necessary but at least you will have some peace of mind. I tried to so some research on why they take the intitial x-ray but didn't find anything conclusive. The following link provides a good overview of the test itself, most of which you probably already Step-by-Step Guide to Your small bowel series.pdf

By the way, I was lucky and the readiologist was nice enough to come out afterwards and introduce himself and tell me that my results were completely normal. Maybe you should ask tomorrow so that you don't need to wait until your doctor gets the report. The worst they can say is no...and I'm sure everyone asks anyway.

I know I didn't specifically answer your question, but if I can try to answer any others, please let me know.

Regards, Kim

At Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Millie wrote: >
>Has anyone ever had the upper G.I./Small bowel follow through, where you drink barium?
>I have to have this done tomorrow morning.
>I need a few questions answered, please.
>I know that before they even give you any barium to drink, they do a plain film xray of your abdomen, called a scout film.
>My question is... why do they do this beforehand? ( There is no prep to do before this test, only fasting after midnight. )
>When they do the plain film xray, is it possible that they are looking to see if you may have eaten, or that they are checking to see if you are full of stool, before taking barium?
>I am extremely concerned, as I have a horrible time expelling barium, and I haven't had a good b.m. in weeks.
>I am terrified of a blockage and more surgery if the barium will not pass. I'm sure I'm not emptying out, probably due to adhesions.
>Do you think that I should mention this to the techs tomorrow, and also to the radiologist, as well as ask them if I am full of stool before they start?
>I know they cannot give me the actual test results.
>Thanks for any help.

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