Re: For younger Adhesion Sufferers

From: Shawna French (
Tue Nov 5 07:20:27 2002

At Tue, 5 Nov 2002, Lynn Creacy wrote: >
>At Mon, 4 Nov 2002, Shawna French wrote:
>You are right, I will try to do better.
>>To all adhesion sufferers: I realy feel this needs to be addressed to
>>all reading: When we see the younger ones in desperate help, we really
>>need to pull together as a team and help extra. I feel very adimate
>>about this because having a 22 yr. old daughter myself they do not
>>understand like we do on how to do all this research and deal with it as
>>we are, and being a vital part of this board we ARE dealing, I hope this
>>makes sense the point I'm trying to get across, just that I do not want
>>to see these younger young ladies have to live the life of numerous
>>surgeries as us so if we as a team could get them directed to proper
>>Drs. so as to maybe get the most effective Confluent spray that is a
>>role we should all take on together. So ladies when you watch the board
>>grab the young ones guide them with as much knowledge as you can most
>>effectively because we all do have good knowledge about this illness
>>Thank you so much - Shawna P.S. my heart just goes out tothe young ones
>>not wanting them to go through what we are....
>Dear Lyn it isnt about anyone doing better thank you for writing back, hon I just wanted to bring it to everyones attention. Shawna
>A new friend

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