To Pam from Sally

From: Sally Grigg (
Thu Jul 19 19:06:30 2001

Dear Pam, Hi, The tape came but got turned around inside half way through. Anyway, it was an incredible experience seeing my adhesions being cut and the blood coming out. Mine were actually filled with not only long, stretchy, fatty looking things, but blood, nerves, tissue etc. I grew that thing. I was just thinking (aside from the fact that they should probably put me away) that maybe my psychological approach is all wrong. Maybe I should try to love what I create. Am I nuts? Anyway, my husband thinks I grew the first huge fibroid tumor in my uterus (the size of a small football) because I couldn't have a baby and my body wanted to make something. I think he's a less than adequate psychologist, but continuing the idea, I should have loved it since it wasn't hurting me. If I had never had it removed I never would have had adhesions and the other three surgeries would not have happened nor the pain. AaH, YES, THE PAIN, it all comes back to that. How to love that which casues so much distress.

Dr. Reich called me today. He is good at follow up. He keeps hoping I'll say I'm not in pain. Oh, how I wish I could. It's been 19 days. He told me to exercise so I've been working in the garden. That's fun. I've also been up every morning for breakfast and entertained the guests with my show and tell routine about the history of the ranch and how we came to be here and how they used ships in the early days of redwood logging. The lumber would be milled in the canyon and hauled down on skid trails using oxen, then to a little narrow guage train track out to the bluff and to cables and wooden chutes attached to the rocks. If a storm came up, they'd lose it all. Mrs. Howard, the first and only woman in the area in the 1860's gave birth right here on the farm to 7 children, only three living to maturity. There is an old cemetary on the mountain. I'm sorry, I kind of got off on a tangent there.

I'm taking oxycontin for the time being. I don't know if I like it, but it does take away the pain, I also have no ambition, but that seems to have disappeared some time ago. Did anyone catch the Good Morning America Story on oxycontin? Does anyone have their e-mail address? Would you send it to me. I get their audio, but not their visual. We have a satellite dish but no de scrambler. They were completely onesided and didn't talk about people who live in constant pain and how they would be affected by removing it from the market. They had a former dope addict on the show. It's supposed to be for people who are in pain to relieve the pain. If some dumb idiot hurts himself, I'm sorry, I wish him well, but should he dictate drug policy or should people in pain have a say?

I read here on the board that adhesions grow back in seven days. Dr. Reich confirmed this. Then they proceed to get denser and thicker and cause more problems. Dr. Korrel (?) in Germany goes in a few days after surgery and takes down any adhesions growing under the theory that the shock will make them stay away, being "rejected" twice.(I'm being silly, I know) Anyway, I'm putting this nonsense on the whole board to liven it up a bit. P.S. I'm sorry, but I've been looking back through my e-mails and I've gotten really sloppy about editing for grammar, spelling, etc. Sorry. Love, Sally

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